Gilles Fabre Apps

GPS Rendez-vous 1
Gilles Fabre
Imagine you're going to therestaurant with friends but only Paul knows the place, using GPSRendez-vous,just invite Paul, and (if he accepts the invite ) hisreal-timeposition will appear on a map, as well as your real-time positionon hismap. Anyone who invites Paul will see his position, and appear onPaul'smap. You won't have to worry if you can't see Paul's car anymore inthetraffic, because GPS Rendez-vous will show Paul's position evolvingon themap, real time.Anyone can invite any number of people and share their positions(youcan invite yourself, but that's just for fun). To invite someone,youjust need to have him listed in your contacts, and of course, hemusthave GPS Rendez-vous installed on his android smartphone.
Easy Bill Split 2.0
Gilles Fabre
EzBillSplit (Easy Bill Split) lets you split bills across a groupof people.
O3 - Graphical & Programmable 4.01
Gilles Fabre
An open source, Graphical and Programmable RPN Calculator.